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The current Ubuntu theme is unique and distinctive, but looks pretty clunky and old. We need something softer and more modern, while keeping Ubuntu's uniquely brown and orange flavour.
“Peachy” is a new theme for Ubuntu with a very light, soft, orange-brown colour. The idea is to provide a very relaxing, modern, user interface that is easy on the eyes and yet distinctively Ubuntu.
I basically just took the “Unity” window border, made it a very light browny-peach, and slapped on the “glossy” controls. The result was a light, relaxing interface that can set Ubuntu's look apart from other operating systems.
With this theme I propose getting rid of the top menu bar and having everything at the bottom, since it makes it much easier to close maximised windows by clicking the top-rightmost pixel. It creates more space to work with and makes everything look smoother in this theme when the windows are maximised.
One more thing I would like to try out with the controls is having the minimise button clickable from the top-leftmost pixel and the close button clickable from the top-rightmost pixel on maximised windows. This would make it very easy and convenient to minimise and maximise windows.
The titlebars and backgrounds of all windows will not be brown and grey, as before, but a light, refreshing "peachy" colour:
Concept Art
Everything should blend together nicely and have a nice soft feel:
Maximised windows will look particularly nice. The top-left and top-right pixels should minimise or close the application:
Gnome theme
How to move the minimise button to the left:
Gnome-look page:
Uses a slightly modified version of the Unity metacity theme by Andrea Cimitan.
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Hey, I love the look so far. Its really really nice. My only suggestion's would to be make the title bars that lovely orange colour you have for selected items (menu, etc.) and use another icon theme instead of the Human theme. (Maybe the discovery theme?) --LostOverThere 2025-03-06 19:17:05
I really like this look. All I would suggest is to change the inactive title bar color to the one of the current active title bar color, and made the active title bar color darker... -- Mirek2 2025-03-06 19:17:05
Way way way too light of a colour for Ubuntu-- Brettalton 2008-06-18 22:48:59
The peach color is too vivid, really distracting. There's also too much of the same color all over the screen. I wouldn't use this theme. -- Cutter3 2008-07-20 00:03:55
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Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Peachy (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:29 by localhost)