
Differences between revisions 403 and 404
Revision 403 as of 2011-04-30 15:43:14
Size: 9607
Editor: D9784B24
Revision 404 as of 2011-04-30 15:44:32
Size: 9739
Editor: D9784B24
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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||[[UndiFineD]] || UDS Blueprint: ||

This team is now deprecated. Official announcement about the team's closure can be found here.

Info (!) Ubuntu Help and Support IRC Channel: #ubuntu-beginners on Info (!)

Info (!) Community and Team IRC Channel: #ubuntu-beginners-team on Info (!)

Full Team Meetings

All meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting on

Meetings are posted on the Fridge. Click here to subscribe.

  • Google calendar will convert the time for you automatically if you subscribe, but the Fridge website will always show events in GMT.


If you know that you will definitely be unable to attend the next meeting, please put your name and reason in the table below:




Ubuntu Uruguay Onsite meeting planing Release Party

General Agenda Items and Proposals


This means:

  1. If there is an issue for the team, add it to the agenda.
  2. The Beginners Team Council will review all discussions and will vote on issues once they are ready to be voted on.




New council members, plans ?


Improving UBT , closing the master poll:


FG Lead Nominations


UDS Blueprint:

UndiFineD send of an email to the UBT mailinglist, making a couple of suggestions to improve UBT. This should be pre-discussed on the Mailing list. Suggestions to vote:

  • more serious naming of padawan to student
  • more serious naming of master to guide
  • Have a proper task for the student that will help them and Ubuntu.
  • Let the student give a presentation of the task done.
  • Make classes for the Focus Groups so new students can get on par with the team.
  • The focus groups should come up with a list of tasks to be done for their group to assign to new students.
  • Make it clear when a student gets his membership, with the new suggestions for membership improvements.
  • Make projects and a subset of tasks for each Focus Group, so current members and students can work together,
    • get to know each other and have a task to fulfill to gain membership and help to improve Ubuntu.

Fixed Agenda Items

  • Review List Of Prospective Members In Need Of Master or Mentor.

  • Request Status Update From All Master or Mentors.

Post-Meeting Tasks

New Member Nominations

Membership nomination decision has moved below! To become a member your Master or Mentor should put you forward to the council.

Steps to Schedule Next Meeting

These steps are to be performed after each meeting to ensure that all locations that mention the date of the next meeting are up-to-date

  1. Determine a date and time for the next meeting. Meetings normally happen every other Tuesday at 23:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. The date/time can change to accommodate daylight savings time, major holidays, or other events that might prevent a large number of people from attending. If a different time is used for the meeting, be sure to check the Fridge and verify that there isn't a meeting already scheduled for that time. If there is, the meeting might need to be held in #ubuntu-beginners instead of #ubuntu-meeting.

  2. Update the /topic in #ubuntu-beginners to reflect the date/time of the next meeting
  3. Update the wiki header. Be sure to update the link url as well as the link text.

  4. Verify that the Fridge has the correct information for the upcoming meeting. If it does not have the correct information, remove the incorrect event, and add a new event with the correct information.

Focus Group Meetings

To shorten the monthly team meetings, setup meetings for each Focus Group:

Can people please put meeting times in UTC (GMT isn't the same!) at least, as we are all in different time-zones

Focus Group


Time / Date

Council Meetings




New Member Nominations

This section is for nomination for membership. Prospective Members will be nominated here at the discretion of their Beginners Team Master or Mentor and voted on by the teams council at the next council meeting. We will have council meeting 30 minutes before the regular team meeting. If you are nominated please try to attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend please notify your Beginners Team Master or Mentor.


Master or Mentor

Steps to Add New Member to Team

These steps are to be performed after a Prospective Member is voted to become a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team at a meeting.

  1. Grant the user voice in #ubuntu-beginners: /msg ChanServ FLAGS #ubuntu-beginners <NICK> +VA

  2. Add the user to ~ubuntu-beginners on Launchpad: (Be sure to verify their Launchpad name either on IRC or by checking their wiki or forums profile)

Logs of previous meetings






Wiki FG

Education FG

Launchpad FG


BeginnersTeam/Meetings (last edited 2021-09-24 09:00:47 by paride)